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Here they are. Just a few of the scholarship and fellowship applicants who want to participate in the upcoming 35th annual EcoFarm Conference. Your generous donation will not only help make this possible, it will also actualize the growing community of farmers, educators, farmworkers, activists, and students working to build a thriving, sustainable food and farming system.Read more
Let’s help more aspiring farmers like Javier, on their path to success! "EcoFarm has been a blessing to me. Not only did it get my foot in the door - I learned so many valuable farming and marketing skills. I got to hear directly from buyers what they want and how they want it. I made important connections I had been lacking. Being a small organic farmer myself, I know how difficult it can be to afford the conference. That’s money that could be used to purchase things like drip tape or boxes. That’s why the gift of a Scholarship or Fellowship is so invaluable."....Read more
There are literally hundreds of ways for the whole family to experience this magical weekend. Wine tasting, Olive Olympics, ice cream churning, local breweries, the Manure Pitch Off, a 700-bale hay fort, sheep shearing, a sudan grass maze, contra dancing, felting, solar cooking - the list goes on! Get the Top 10 Reasons to come to Hoes Down here. Help us celebrate the harvest and this fundraiser which supports over 30 local and regional community organizations (including EcoFarm). Adults $20 (online) or $25 (at gate) per person, Children 2-12 years $5, Children under...Read more
We are pleased to announce the 35th annual EcoFarm Conference plenary speakers ! Bill McKibben , founder of , the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement. Brock Dolman, Director of OAEC’s WATER Institute , Permaculture Design Program, and the Wildlands Biodiversity Program. Gary Nabhan , internationally-celebrated nature writer, food and farming activist, and proponent of conserving the links between biodiversity and cultural diversity. Deborah Madison , author of Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone and The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone ,...Read more
Before we know it, summer will wane into Autumn - calling for farmers to put their hoes down and celebrate the fruits of labor! Please join us at the Hoes Down Harvest Celebration on Saturday, October 4th and Sunday, October 5th to honor agricultural arts and sustainable rural living. Two fun-filled days of events and seminars for all ages at Full Belly Farm in rural Capay Valley - a region of many small farms that supply Northern California's neighborhood grocery stores and eateries with fresh organic produce. This 27th annual event offers the public a special...Read more
"Viva EcoFarm - 35 Years & Growing!" It's true - thirty-five and EcoFarm is still alive! Having made it this far gives us a chance to reflect on our roots and our history, as well as the promise of the next generation to shape the future of food and farming. For the old-timers – "What will our legacy be?" For the new-comers – "What opportunities call me?", and "What is needed to meet those challenges successfully?" For all of us who are the EcoFarm community – "How do we most effectively continue to organize ourselves to gather and grow and feed the world we want...Read more
Have you wanted to use more organic seeds in your operation? Wished you had more viable open-pollinated varieties adapted to your soil and regional climate? Something special to offer your customers? Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) invites certified organic farmers to participate in a national seed survey. This national survey is only conducted every five years to monitor organic seed use and availability, challenges in sourcing organic seed, and organic plant breeding needs. The survey also seeks to address and inform the organic community’s understanding of the barriers...Read more
There is no better way to embrace the summer than by eating juicy, ripe, drip-down-your-cheek stone fruit. With over 60 varieties of organic peaches, plums, nectarines, pluots, and apricots, the Organic Stone Fruit Jubilee is an experience not to be missed! Held in the beautiful orchard at the Mokichi Okada Association's Oasis Garden, you can enjoy fruit tasting and sales, a Japanese Tea Ceremony, jam making demos, fresh fruit pies, workshops, flower arranging, live music, farm tours, local food vendors, and a kids craft corner. This year's jubilee will be highlighted...Read more
Stay tuned for the audio recordings of the 2017 Conference workshops, available for purchase as MP3 downloads soon! Sign up for EcoFarm's monthly E-News for timely updates.Read more
Calling all artists and designers! Showcase your artistic vision through a unique design around the yet-to-be-announced theme of the 38th annual EcoFarm Conference . The selected artist will receive significant exposure, an honorarium, and help generate buzz for this iconic event . Submit your portfolio to by Saturday, April 1, 2017. EcoFarm will be in contact with selected artist by Wednesday, April 12. Completed artwork will be due in mid June, 2017.Read more
