See you at EcoFarm Conference Jan 20–23, 2016!
If you missed online registration, not to worry. You can register onsite at the Asilomar Conference Grounds starting this Wednesday, January 20th at 7am. Check out the schedule here.
This year's conference theme is about "Regenerating." We gather to regenerate our lands, water, communities, and planet. Sometimes we need rejuvenation ourselves in order to become effective stewards. Consider doing this at EcoFarm where you can dip your toes in the turquoise waves or stroll about the gorgeous cypress trees on the way to your next workshop. Be nourished by delicious organic meals crafted with ingredients from our farmer attendees themselves. For many farmers and ranchers, EcoFarm Conference is the one time of year when they leave their farms for a few days to connect with their peers and regenerate. Check out this video for a taste of the conference as told by attendees.
Annual Seed Swap & Scion Exchange Thursday 8pm–10pm
Do you want to expand the biodiversity of your farm or garden? Many seeds of non-hybrid, non-genetically engineered varieties will be available from fellow seed savers and seed companies. Bring labeled seeds, as well as envelopes for seeds to take away! You do not need to bring seeds in order to attend. We encourage you to bring scion wood or cuttings from fruit, nut, and berry crops or any other perennial edible plants as well. Experts from the California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG) and OAEC will be on hand to answer your questions. Bring plastic bags to take away plant materials. Sponsored by Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (OAEC)
Artisanal Beer & Cheese Tasting, Thursday 12pm–2pm
Wine & Cider Tasting, Thursday 5pm–7pm
Don't miss 'em! Quench your thirst during Thursday's conference lunch break by enjoying craft beers and a variety of farmstead and artisan cheeses. Or sample premium organic wines and cider varieties offered by more than two dozen premier vintners and cider producers. Fill your commemorative glass as you network with this year's attendees.
EcoFarm Office Hours, Thursday & Friday
Continuing in the spirit of personalized consultation, the EcoFarm Conference offers the opportunity to meet individually with knowledgeable industry and business professionals on the following topics during Office Hours. Engage in an in-depth conversation focused on your farm-related business needs. Sign up at onsite registration. Drop-ins are welcome but those who signed up at registration will be given priority.
- Selling to Institutions
- Farm Service Agency
- Food Justice Certification
- Cut Down Food Waste
- Agricultural Lending
- Global G.A.P. Certification
- B Corporations
- Marketing
- Food Safety
- Smart Farm Tools with Tend
EcoFarm Talent Show! Thursday 9pm–11pm
2016 marks the return of the popular, rousing, and often irreverent Talent Show! Each person or group will have 3 minutes to entertain, impress, or educate our lively audience. A panel of judges will award extra points if your performance is farming-related. Participants are eligible to win fab prizes!
Save Our Shores Beach Clean-up
Join Save our Shores for a clean-up at the Asilomar State Beach on Friday from 12 – 2pm! Help us keep Asilomar beautiful!